Myoplastic & Lymphatic drainage face massages
Myoplastic & lymph drainage facial massage which is an alternative, natural and non-invasive method that is comparable to plastic correction in terms of effectiveness. It is also much safer than plastic surgeries, which are much more expensive and carry a risk of complications and require convalescence.
This face massage are an original and one of the techniques of manual work with the face of Dr. Sergey Shchurevich @dr_shchurevich and @manualistic_school.
The technique works like an intense fitness routine that focuses primarily on the muscular corset of the face, neck, and cleavage.

The main purpose of the massage is to remove muscle tension, the surrounding tissues, restore the proper blood supply and nervous trophic, and shape the face oval. The phenomenon of venous or lymphatic insufficiency, which developed with traumatic injuries of the soft tissues of the face and body, aggravate the state of hypoxia and intoxication and provoke further growth of coarse fibrous tissue and disrupt the patency of small vessels.